September 20, 1995 - October 23, 1995
UK - Port Stanley

The first AMT cruise took place from 21 September to 24 October 1995 on-board the RRS James Clark Ross. The ship sailed from Grimsby (UK) to Montevideo (Uruguay) and then continued on to Stanley (Falkland Islands).
During AMT1 a variety of instruments were used to map the physical, chemical, and biological structure of the upper 200m of the water column. Ocean colour measurements were made using state-of-the-art sensors and new advances in fluorometry were used to measure photosynthetic activity, which was then used to further interpret primary productivity. A unique set of samples and data were collected for the planktonic assemblages thoughout the transect. Data from the cruise was used as a primary input for basin-scale biological productivity models.
Download the cruise report
Download the AMT1 Cruise Report
Name |
Institute |
Bale, Anthony | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Gallienne, Chris | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Hooker, Stan | NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, USA |
Marañón, Emilio | Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK |
Moore, Gerald | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Rees, Nigel | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Robins, David (Principal Scientist) | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Spooner, Will | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Westbrook, Guy | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
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Hosted at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council.