

September 20, 1995 - October 23, 1995

UK - Port Stanley

The first AMT cruise took place from 21 September to 24 October 1995 on-board the RRS James Clark Ross. The ship sailed from Grimsby (UK) to Montevideo (Uruguay) and then continued on to Stanley (Falkland Islands).

During AMT1 a variety of instruments were used to map the physical, chemical, and biological structure of the upper 200m of the water column. Ocean colour measurements were made using state-of-the-art sensors and new advances in fluorometry were used to measure photosynthetic activity, which was then used to further interpret primary productivity. A unique set of samples and data were collected for the planktonic assemblages thoughout the transect. Data from the cruise was used as a primary input for basin-scale biological productivity models.

Download the cruise report

Download the AMT1 Cruise Report




Bale, Anthony Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Gallienne, Chris Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Hooker, Stan NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, USA
Marañón, Emilio Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
Moore, Gerald Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Rees, Nigel Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Robins, David (Principal Scientist) Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Spooner, Will Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Westbrook, Guy Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK

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