November 27, 2024 - December 30, 2024
Southampton, UK - Buenos Aires, Argentina
AMT31 aboard the RRS James Cook aims to collect a comprehensive suite of biogeochemical measurements contributing to our understanding of the global carbon cycle and air-sea gas exchange. The cruise, spanning from Southampton, UK, to Buenos Aires, Argentina, will gather data over a diverse range of oceanic conditions. A key objective is to acquire optical data for the development of algorithms and the validation of the NASA PACE mission, while also focusing on the deployment and testing of autonomous along-track instruments.
- Gavin Tilstone, PML, UK. PSO and HPLC Chl-a and micro-tops.
- Tom Jordan, PML, UK. Apparent and inherent optical properties.
- Bethany Wilkinson, PML, UK. Carbonate chemistry, samples for surface nutrients and flow cytometry.
- Rafael Mendes, FURG, Brazil. HPLC, Size fractionated Chl-a, Coccolithophores.
- Raul Costa, FURG, Brazil. HPLC, Size fractionated Chl-a, Coccolithophores.
- Jan Kaiser, UEA. MIMS O2/Ar.
- Peter Croot, University of Galway, Ireland. NCP
- POGO fellow tbc.
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Hosted at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council.