

April 11, 2000 - May 6, 2000

Montevideo - UK

The AMT10 cruise took place from 12 April to 8 May 2000 sailing from Montevideo, Uruguay to Grimsby, UK on board the RRS James Clark Ross. The principal scientist was Chris Gallienne from Plymouth Marine Laboratory.

During the cruise the ship was constrained in her ability to maintain station in any but the lightest winds. Nevertheless, the cruise produced a near-continuous set of surface underway data and samples taken at 23 stations over 24 days to measure the physical, biological and chemical properties of the euphotic zone.

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Gallienne, Chris Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Gent, D.-J. Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Hill, Victoria Southampton Institute, UK
Kitidis, Vasillis University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Lens, Peter British Antarctic Survey, UK
Moore, Gerald Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Moore, Mark Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
O #39;Higgins, Tim Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
Omachi, Claudia Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Poulton, Alex Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
Stubbins, Aron University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Tagliabue, Alessandro Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
Woodroffe, Paul British Antarctic Survey, UK

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