

September 10, 2000 - October 12, 2000

UK - Montevideo

The AMT11 cruse sailed onboard the RRS James Clark Ross from Grimsby, UK on 12 September 2000 and ended in Montevideo, Uruguay on 11 October 2000. The prinicipal scientist for the cruise was Malcolm Woodward from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory.

This cruise was different to previous AMT cruises in that it was coupled to a number of projects under the AMT banner. As well as core scientists from AMT there were two researchers from the Southampton Oceanography Centre carrying out meterological investigations as part of the Autoflux project, and the newly fitted Swath Bathymetry system was also being trialled and a survey was carried out in the Romanche Fracture Zone, part of the mid-Atlantic ridge system.

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Download the AMT11 Cruise Report





Castro, Begona Bacterial production and abundance Instituto Espanol de Oceanografía, Spain
Cunningham, Alex Swath bathymetry British Antarctic Survey, UK
Fernandez, Emilio Chlorophyll, primary production Universidade de Vigo, Spain
Isla, Alejandro Zooplankton respiration, ammonia production Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Kitidis, Vasillis Nutirents and DOM Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Lopes, Marcos Zooplankton biomass and grazing Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Mitchell, Neil Swath bathymetry Oxford University, UK
Omachi, Claudia FRRF Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Pascal, Robin Autoflux Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
Serrett, Pablo Oxygen production and respiration Universidade de Vigo, Spain
Suggett, Dave Chlorophyll, CHN, fluorometry Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Thomalla, Sandy Chlorophyll, CHN Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
Varela, Marta Nitrogen uptake Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Spain
Varela, Ramiro P-I curves, absorption characteristics Universidade de Vigo, Spain
Woodward, Malcolm Principal Scientist Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Yelland, Margaret Autoflux Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK

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