September 28, 2011 - November 14, 2011
Avonmouth, UK - Chile

The AMT21 cruise set sail from Avonmouth in the UK on 29 September 2011 and arrived in Punta Arenas, Chile on 14 November. The principal scientist was Glen Tarran from Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
Download the cruise report
Name |
Role |
Institute |
Aranguren-Gassis, Maria |
P:R | Universidade de Vigo, Spain |
Beesley, Amanda |
Nutrients | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Bennke, Christin |
Bacterioplankton diversity and activity | MPI, Bremen, Germany |
Borzyck, Karolina |
CDOM | Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland |
Cummings, Denise |
Primary production | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Ellis, Rob |
Chlorophyll calibration, outreach | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Gallienne, Chris |
Optics, zooplankton | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Garcia, Francisca |
Heterotrophic bacteria | Spainish Institute of Oceanography, Spain |
García-Martín, Elena |
P:R | Universidade de Vigo, Spain |
Hill, Polly |
Photoheterotrophy | National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK |
Holland, Ross |
Flow cytometry | National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK |
Kitidis, Vas |
Carbon chemistry | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Lubelczyk, Laura |
Coccolithophore remote sensing | Bigelow Institute for Ocean Sciences, USA |
Moraru, Cristina |
Bacterioplankton diversity and activity | MPI, Bremen, Germany |
Munoz Marin, Mari |
Prochlorococcus heterotrophy | Universidad de Córdob, Spain |
Snow, Joe |
Metabolic proteins, nitrogen fixation | National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK |
Tarran, Glen |
Principal Scientist | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Thomas, Rob |
Data management and instrument calibration | British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK |
Yodle, Chan |
Aerosol nutrients | University of East Anglia, UK |
Younes, Alaa |
POGO Fellow, primary production | NIOF, Egypt |
Zablocka, Monika |
CDOM | Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland |
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Hosted at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council.