

September 20, 2016 - November 4, 2016

Immingham, UK - Falkland Islands

AMT26 set sail from Immingham on 20th September 2016 aboard the British Antarctic Survey vessel the RRS James Clark Ross and arrived in Stanley, Falkland Islands on 4th November 2016.

This years cruise had the addition of funding from the European Space Agency for the AMT4SentinelFRM project. This will provide a unique opportunity to obtain high quality fiducial reference measurements for the validation of Sentinel products in a wide range of Atlantic locations.

You can read more about life on board the ship from Madeline Steer, who is working with marine plastics. Click here to view her blog posts on the Plymouth Marine Laboratory Facebook page.

Download the full cruise report (7MB)




Andy Rees (PI)

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

James Ayliffe

British Oceanographic Data Centre

Bob Brewin

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Kerri Coombes

Plymouth Marine Laboratory/University of Plymouth

Denise Cummings

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Giorgio Dall #39;Olmo

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Carolyn Harris

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Jason Hopkins

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

Francesco Nencioli

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Emanuele Organelli

Marie Curie fellow

Katsia Pabortsava

National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

Rafaell Rasse

Royal Society fellow

Madeline Steer

Plymouth Marine Laboratory/University of Plymouth

Glen Tarran

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Werenfrid Wimmer

University of Southampton

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