September 15, 1996 - October 24, 1996
UK - Port Stanley

The objectives of the cruise remained similar to the first two transects, and included:
- To improve our understanding of the relationship between physical processes and biological production
- Identify, define and quantify latitudinal changes in biogeochemical provinces
- Determine phytoplankton characteristics and photosynthetic parameters
- Identify nutrient regimes and their role in biogeochemical cycles
- Characterise plankton community structure, including the accurate determination of carbon values
- Relate the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in surface waters with the biological production
- Acquire data for the calibration of remotely sensed observations
- Secondary validation of remotely sensed products
- Interpret basin-scale remote sensing observations
- Develop models that enable the interpretation of satellite imagery in terms of total water column properties
Download the cruise report
Download the AMT3 Cruise Report
Name |
Institute |
Aiken, Jim | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Bale, Anthony | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Barlow, Ray | Sea Fisheries Research Institute, South Africa |
Bowie, Andy | University of Plymouth, UK |
Donlon, Craig | JRC, Italy |
Gallienne, Chris | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Griffiths, Colin | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Hooker, Stan | NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, USA |
Huskin, Ignacio | Universidad de Oviedo, Spain |
Law, Cliff | Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK |
Marañón, Emilio | Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK |
Mino, Yoshihisa | Institute for Hydrosperic-Atmospheric Sciences, Japan |
Mourino, Beatriz | Universidad de Vigo, Spain |
Nightingale, Tim | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK |
Suzuki, Koji | Nagoya University, Japan |
Terayama, Yasunori | Saga University, Japan |
Zubkov, Mike | University of Southampton |
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Hosted at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council.